Saturday, 17 March 2012

My Portable Storage Unit

My car, is a luxury I can neither afford or live without. My car is priceless, especially when we are talking about the crazy social life of boy. He has more friends and commitments and than I do, certainly not easily managed on public transport!!

My car is many things to me, my friend, my transport, my Independence, an extension of my storage and lastly, a refuge for half eaten bananas, broken toys, raisins and beakers so old I swear I can hear them talking to me.

Poor car takes a bashing, she is too old for me to worry about dinging the doors or the funny noise she makes when she goes round corners. She is loyal and reliable, this is enough for me. I can no longer use my boot, it contains every conceivable item that might be needed in the event of a national emergency: 2 first aid kits, 4 changes of clothes (all for varying weather conditions) emergency toys and items of amusement, big thick coats, emergency nappies wipes etc, buggy, two rain covers, wellington boots, spare tools and a warning triangle ( which I sometimes think would be better suited attached to my arse)
Boy, is not good to the car.. He doesn't treat her well or understand that she has boundaries. A regular conversation In my car between us is this;

"Babe I cant go faster, the car will break and its against the law."
"I cant darlin, there is two people in front of me"
"thats because he can hear you shouting and he's scared"

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